A Conversation with Astrologer Sue Heinz
This is an edited transcript from Sue Heinz’ monthly astrology talk in Santa Cruz in July 2017, with questions and answers. Sue is a gifted astrologer who tracks archetypal patterns of the stars on a large historical scale. She has spent years tracking the meaning of celestial events for humanity’s journey into a new way of living in sustainable interrelationship with creation, each other and the earth. She also has a profound understanding of the astrological chart of the USA, and our current political situation.
Check out Sue’s full article on the eclipse here.
Q: How rare is the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse?
Sue Heinz: The upcoming solar eclipse is a major event, with implications for individual transformation as well as in the psychic story of the United States. Every year, we have two sets of eclipses happening somewhere in the world. The two types are a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. The ancient indigenous people were very aware of eclipses, and created much wisdom based on eclipse cycles. The August 21, 2017 eclipse is rare in that is cuts a path directly across the entire continental United States, and will be visible to millions of Americans.
Q: What happens at the eclipse?
SH: Whenever there is a solar eclipse, there is also a lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse happens at the new moon. The lunar eclipse happens at the full moon. For a solar eclipse, the moon comes directly between the sun and the earth, and the sun is completely blocked out for two to three minutes. If you’re in the totality pathway of the solar eclipse, day will turn into night, and the birds will stop singing, and you’ll be able to see the stars. So, all of a sudden, we’re in the dark. How metaphorical can it be? How archetypal can it be that the US is immersing itself in the dark?
Q: What in your view is the meaning of this event?
SH: My reflection on the total solar eclipse is that it has the potential to bring us into the mystery. Think about how many people will be migrating all over the country. It will be a huge, huge event. For a few minutes during that time of totality, people will be able to see this cosmos we live in.
How can we live in a cosmos where this happens? What does this mean? When you’re working with archetypal psychologies or mythmaking, it’s huge. It’s talking about the mystery we live in. The positive definition of it is that we’re having an opportunity, as people of the United States, to step out of the normal, everyday consciousness and experience the mystery that we live in. The true mystery. And… it’s in the dark. How is it going to nurture us? What will happen to us as a people as we experience this?
Q: What is the power of an eclipse?
SH: An eclipse in general, think of the power of the full moon or a new moon, how they have a powerful effect on ocean tides. This is an intense, increased new moon. Tides should be lower or higher. Sensitive people definitely can feel this. You can step into it as ritual, even if you’re not there at the totality. Many people in the USA will able to see part of the eclipse wherever they are.
Astrologically, there is a difference between solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. Typically, it’s said that the solar eclipse is more external. It has to do with events around the person. Events that aren’t anticipated. The lunar eclipse is said to be more emotional and internal. Taking you in to ponder your life. At a solar eclipse, all of a sudden, the lunar nature is much, much stronger. It overpowers the solar nature. In astrology, we think of the lunar nature as the unconscious, and the solar nature as awareness and consciousness. So, we can say at a solar eclipse, unconscious events—parts of our unconscious—come forward more, and influence our actions more.
Q: How can we take advantage of such a time?
SH: During a solar eclipse, one might, all of the sudden, be shown some piece of information in a flash, “Oh, ok, I see.” It’s like spotlights shining on your life, and it’s catching you in mid-act, illuminating a certain area of your life. Whatever has been pushed aside or under the carpet becomes obvious. And it brings to the surface hidden problems that can be dramatic and emotional. It’s an opportunity to become aware of issues that may need some work. And if you choose to deal with it, it can change your whole life.
Q: What are your reflections on the role of this eclipse in the larger story?
SH: Everything is pretty amplified right now. In order to get to a new paradigm–which we could simplify by saying that the new paradigm is the recognition of the interrelatedness of all people, all life, the earth–we ask the question, How do we get over there from where we are? My sense is that we’re in an amplified time acceleration of clearing out karma or old patterns that aren’t life-sustaining. That’s because we’re in the process of moving from places that are utilizing non-renewable resources, that aren’t life-sustaining, into life-sustaining patterns. If we look at humanity development in the last 5,000 years (many older indigenous people look at 5,000 year cycles), it’s as if there is a flowering of all the karma/dharma of the last 5,000 years. That is, all the patterns. But these patterns cannot continue in this new cycle like they’ve been. So there’s the image of the acceleration of clearing old patterns out in order to move to a life-sustaining paradigm.
It’s huge. It’s the release of the shadow. Look at the world now, immigration, displacement, the whole world is being tossed about. Then the fear gets greater, because of all the changes that are happening, because it’s trying to create this new world. That’s what we’re in. And the level of consciousness of aware people is going to create that bridge.
Q: What do your recommendations for us for the eclipse?
SH: This is big energy here. If you notice that there are effects during this time, the way I like to think about the solar eclipse, it’s an opportunity for us to enlarge our vision of who we are, and what we’re doing here.
Take that time of the eclipse and make that a sacred period. I’d say from the 20th to the 22nd. Make it a really sacred time. Connecting with that darkness and that inner wisdom. And out of that, to create an intention, for your own life and for the world, because that’s the new moon, and to move forward from that place.
More on Sue Heinz here.